Family Farm
Our farm was founded in 1984 with the original 160 acres purchased by Lee Eikermann. The farm has gone through a few name changes and the acquisition of more property before finally becoming the 330-acre farm we know and love today. Our name changed to Delhi Sustainable Farms in 2019 to encompass our farm and mission.
Originally the farm was the typical cow/calf operation with just a few head of momma cows, called Eikermann Angus Farms. Lee built a house on the farm and moved the family there in 2001 where the Eikermann kids were raised. The kids have been active in the farming operation their entire lives. Growing up they were active members of the local 4-H club and FFA, raising their own market animals each year to sell at the local community fair.
Our farm is truly a family operation. We farm because we enjoy it immensely. Each member of the team works full-time or attends school, and we farm on the side. Please contact us with any questions as we would be happy to give you a tour so you can see first-hand how our operation runs.